Ext. 2175
Title IIA Preparing & Training High Quality Educators
This consortium provides school districts with administrative and programmatic consultation along with specific assistance in the areas of applications as defined under Title IIA: Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Leading. The Title IIA Program services provides participating districts with up to date communication related to Title II, Part A requirements of increased student achievement, improving the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders, and to provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
Initial Educator Support: CESA #11 provides a four-day series spread out during the school year to support teachers in their first few years of teaching. Initial Educators focus on four key areas: instructional practices (academic & behavior), assessment practices, equity strategies in diverse classrooms, and educator effectiveness.
Mentor Training and Support: CESA #11 provides regional mentoring trainings twice each year with district level resources available through the CCNS professional resource collection.
Universal Design for Learning: Regional training for schools interested in differentiating core curriculum using the principles of Universal Design for Learning. The UDL training series will provide schools a blueprint to create instructional goals, methods, materials and assessments that work for all students.
Teacher Leadership Training: Support seminars are offered to foster the development of strong teacher leaders, collaboration, and effective school leadership teams. Topics include principal and teacher collaboration, school vision and culture, and implementation strategies for new initiatives.
Paraprofessional Training: CESA #11 offers regional training's to support paraeducators. Sample topics may include relationship building, confidentiality, engagement and student behavior management, intervention strategies, and role responsibilities.
Coaching Training and Support: Professional development and coaching support offerings are designed to support highly effective coaching practices with a focus on equity, effective instruction, culture, and building teacher leadership along with two regional coaching networking and training opportunities for 2024-2025.

Erin Baillargeon
CESA #11 Educational Consultant

Janelle Paulson
CESA #11 Program Assistant
Ext. 2204