CESA #11 Educational Consultant
Ext. 2147
2024-25 Career Readiness Community of Practice
March 4, 2025
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM @ CESA 11
What is Academic and Career Planning (ACP)?
Academic and Career Planning is a collaboratively developed, student-driven process for planning for success in middle school, secondary school, and post-secondary academics and career development. CESA 11 supports ACP efforts in our 39 districts.
Research on the benefits indicates that the ACP process increases student motivation, engagement, school connection, and awareness of individual strengths and weaknesses. Students utilizing ACP also improve their understanding of postsecondary options, better connect their goals to educational coursework and career goal activities, and engage in long-term planning for life after high school graduation.
Academic and Career Planning is for every Wisconsin student. This also includes students with disabilities who have Individualized Education Programs (IEP)/Post-secondary Transition Plans (PTP), as well as students with Section 504 Accommodation Plans, English Language Learners, students who are Gifted and or Talented, students who are homeless, and students considered neglected and delinquent (DPI, 2016).
ACP focuses on readiness in three categories- academic readiness, college and career readiness, and social/emotional readiness. As we continue to implement creative strategies to support students, CESA 11 appreciates the hard work and partnership from our member districts.
Who is responsible for Academic and Career Planning?
Administrators, teachers, counselors, parents, and community members are collaboratively responsible for implementing and facilitating an ACP program throughout their district. A team approach is necessary to include a variety of stakeholders taking part to create a seamless process for every learner, every year. Wisconsin school boards are also partners in ACP. Under Wis. Stat. § 115.28(59)(b) every school board will ensure that it is “providing academic and career planning services to pupils enrolled in grades 6 to 12 in the school district” (DPI, 2016).
CESA 11 is a proud partner in Academic and Career Planning in Wisconsin. CESA supports all 39 of its member districts through customized support in the development of ACP professional development plans and networking opportunities. Districts are supported in the initiative through access to educational resources created and customized by CESA 11 Educational Consultants.