Project Aware Logo

What is Project AWARE?

Project AWARE (Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education) aims to better equip CESAs to support school districts in improving their overall school mental health systems. The main objective is to increase health and educational equity across the state of Wisconsin by developing sustainable infrastructure for school-based mental health programs and services that are prevention oriented. Project AWARE is also aligned across similar initiatives including Trauma Sensitive Schools (TSS), Suicide Prevention, and EMLSS Project. In 2023, another 5-year grant was awarded to continue Project AWARE's work.


...the LEA's capacity to connect children and youth to appropriate school and community mental health services.


...mental health literacy for students, staff, and community members.


...on partnerships and collaborations with state, regional, and local systems to promote healthy development of school aged youth.


...regional capacity to support comprehensive school mental health system implementations.

Upcoming Events

Comprehensive School Metal Health Framework & Roadmap Training
April 7, 2025
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Face-to-Face at CESA #11


Erin Baillargeon

Erin Baillargeon

CESA #11 Educational Consultant
715-986-2020 ext. 2175

Kyle Polzin

Kyle Polzin

CESA #11 Educational Consultant
715-986-2020 ext. 2133

Heidi Rouzer

Heidi Rouzer

CESA #11 Educational Consultant
715-986-2020 ext. 2140

Britta DeJager

Britta DeJager

CESA #11 Educational Consultant
715-986-2020 ext. 2217

Sarah Johanson

Kate Hoff

CESA #11 Program Assistant
715-986-2020 ext. 2209