CESA #11 Educational Consultant
Department of Public Instruction Assessment Promo (video)
Assessment Professional Learning and Coaching Series, available through a partnership and contract with the DPI, and is a low cost opportunity for districts. These sessions are designed to enhance educator skills in assessment, data analysis, and continuous improvement. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your district's assessment literacy and data-driven decision-making.
Assessment Professional Learning and Coaching Series Flyer
District Application: To express your district's interest in participating, we kindly ask that you complete the Google Form application by the soft deadline of September 16, 2024.
Professional Development Topics
1. Performance Task Assessments: Engage in 5 days of professional development centered around performance tasks. Explore methods to design and implement performance tasks that authentically assess student skills and competencies. Learn about tools for evaluating performance task assessments, including rubrics and proficiency scales. Participants will design performance task assessments that they can implement in their classrooms immediately.
DATES: December 4 & 5, January 7 & 8
COST: $72 per person
2. Formative Assessment Practices: During this intensive 5 days of professional development, gain practical strategies for implementing formative assessment throughout the learning cycle. Learn how to use formative assessment data to adjust instruction, differentiate instruction, and target support. Participants will design formative assessments to be utilized in their classroom and instruction.
DATES: January 30 & 31, February 10 & 11
COST: $72 per person
3. Educator Developed Interim Assessment Practices: Join in 5 days of learning to empower educators to design and utilize effective interim assessments. Explore practices in creating interim assessments that measure student progress towards learning goals. Learn efficient and reliable methods for analyzing interim assessment data.
DATES: April 14, 15, 28, & 29
COST: $72 per person
4. Classroom Assessment and Data Use: Join us for 3 days of professional development focused on effective classroom and end-of-unit assessments. Discover innovative strategies to enhance assessment practices and gather valuable insights about student learning. Learn how to unlock the power of data analysis to inform instructional decisions and drive continuous improvement.
Online Self-Paced Modules Available
*This module is a prerequisite for any district participating in 2024-25 Assessment Project PD topics. A self-paced module is available for districts interested in Performance Tasks, Formative Assessment, or Interim Assessment topics. Classroom Assessment & Data Analysis will be re-offered as a professional development opportunity in June open to all districts.
DATES: June 10, 11, & 12
COST: $54 per person
*Participation Parameters: Participation for a topic must include an administrator/instructional leader and at least one teacher. The teacher(s) must remain consistent throughout a topic, but the administrator/instructional leader can vary. Participants may be different across topics.
Team Attendance: Send a team made up of at least one teacher and at least one administrator/instructional leader for all days of each chosen topic. The Classroom/End-of-Unit Assessment is required before attending other sessions. Teams can meet this prerequisite through previous participation in the 2023-24 Assessment Project, attending our 3 day in-person offering, or via online modules available later in August. Participating districts will get a stipend of up to $100 per day to offset substitute costs. (Exact amount will be determined based on number of participating districts).
In-District Coaching: Receive up to 4 coaching sessions to support implementation of the professional development. One of our CESA #11 assessment coaches will provide guidance and support tailored to your district’s needs.
These commitments are crucial to ensure the continuity and sustainability of the professional development experience. By bringing a dedicated team and engaging with a CESA coach, your district will maximize the impact of this professional development and foster a culture of continuous improvement.
District Application: To express your district's interest in participating, we kindly ask that you complete the Google Form application by the soft deadline of September 16, 2024.
CESA #11 Educational Consultant
CESA #11 Educational Consultant
CESA #11 Educational Consultant
Program Assistant